Monday, May 28, 2012


Gallery 1- was about What  the Maori word for treasure it is Tadnga
Gallery 2-we had two draw 3 things in the glass boxs
Gallery 3-hooks and flaxs and some movies showing rotorua
Gallery 4-it had a house with heps of patterns on it and heps of war icons
Gallery 5-more war icons from europeans that was brought to newzeland
Gallery 6-it had the pink & white terries and vocanoes
Gallery 7-all the maori in world war 2 all there pictures and the nazi sign

Sunday, May 27, 2012

rugby on satureday

in rugby we lost 19-30 i dint score any tries but thay only won with there winger4 he scored all there tries eccept one and when he came off (the winger) we cort up and was winning to he came back on

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

chapter 20 and 21

1-What did matt and eve find: Diamonds

2-Do u think that they should go with ane because thay wounted to see whats up? and No

chapter 21
1-What do u think well happen gawk well call the feds

Monday, May 14, 2012

chapter 19

WALT- Edit and proof read our writing.

The reason they went to the museum was because wanted to give them the sovereigns.

It might be made out of gold.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 18

WALT: Edit and proof read our writing.

1. What does Eve do in this chapter she goes with this scientist to go see those hot pools and she convinces Matt to go with her and she pertend to find diamond.
 2. What is going to happen next the gang is going to get bad and kill them.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

chapter 17

1 - What is Gawks real name? - cecil hilton

2 - Where dose he live? -a garge

3 - Why did he give the item back - jackson well tell the gang were the gawk lives

4 - would you be worried if you were matt? why? - why not? - no


i dint do well i think i got some were over 7mins

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

cry of the taniwha chapter 16

WALT-Find the meaning of words.

1-Console- small device eg-xbox360 
2-Briefly- not in much detail.
3-Bombarded- hit with everything they have.
4-Edition- one of many things.
5-Pendant- large diamond. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

cry of the taniwha - chapter 15

1-Why did hone get angry-Because matt dint tell him earlyer that a gang was being mean to him and because the gang(WXK)are meanies
2-Predict what well happen next-The gang well find out that matt called the cops and the gang is being followed at all time then thay well find jackson and matt when thay are alowen and well chase them but thay well get awhay because of the bike that have now. Thay went to a shop yo go buy some lollies and some books for school then when thay come out the WXK was theer thay gave them some lollies now thay are friends.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Literacy - Cry of the Taniwha - Chapter 14

WALT - Justify answers using information from text.
1. Why had Matt not slept well-He was worring to much of what happend with jackson and the gang and the dead body.
2. Why did Nan tell Matt that he was famous-Because she sore him in the news paper and he found a dead body.
 3. What happened to Matt in the Redwoods-The gawk stole his gold coins and hes metal detector  matt chased him but in the end a gawk got on a bike and rode awhay.
 4. What did Eve find out-That boult is the dead body and he died by the vocano when he was trying to get the handcuff of his hand.

best nfl running backs

michael turner
Maurice Jones-Drew
Adrian Peterson
Arian Foster

chris johnson


How many laps.....

I only ran 3 because i got a slighty pulled groin and i shouldent be doing fitness today.!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cry of the Taniwha - chapter 13

Literacy WALT: Justify answers using information from text.
1. How is Matt feeling about Juzza now-matt feels sorry for jazza because he keeps geting gang bashed
2. Who is Gawk-he is a Orange hair dude with tight shorts and skinny legs ands he is a perv
3. What was Gawk doing-he was perving at people in the bush.

My weekend

I had a game of rugby we won 64-5 i scored 4 tries but 2 did not count and got 2 out of 3 conversion then the next day i just played xbox360 then when out and practise my goal kicking at the park.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

cry of the taniwha-chapters 11+12

WALT-write informative, interesting sentences
a) Louise Miller-is mary basham mom. Her picture was in the locket that Edward gave mary
b) Edward Basham-He work in a bank a long time ago in England he lost his job because of a robberies’ of a lot of Jews and diamonds he was the only one who could get into the safety deposit.
c) Mary basher-is Edwards wife. She has lots of expensive jewellery, and keeps a diamond pendant in a bag under her bed.
d) Scott Murray-is the leader of WXK. He used to be a great leage player and could of got into the NRL but after his dad left for Australia he joined a gang.
e) Ian McMillan-is a scientist that idenifed the skeleton that matt found.
f) Eve- matt's female friend and is staying at the hotel.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


1 How are earthquakes made
2 Were was the thirst earthquake in Christearth
3 are earthquakes commen
4  Why are people aficted like this.
5 What countries do earth quakes happen more in.

NFL best wide receivers

                              steve smith (top)       randy moss (middle)     reggie wayne (bottem)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

W.A.L.T write info interesting sentences

1-(caucasian) has been used to describe many peoples from these regions without regard necessarily to skin tone
2-(complexion) colour of some one's face.
3-(absence) is when u some one of somthing is is gone or awhay
4-(sovereigns) people who are rich like king and queens with heaps of gold coins
5-(resistant) a means or method of resisting; that which resists
6-(corrosion) a state of deterioration in metals caused by oxidation or chemical action