Thursday, May 3, 2012

cry of the taniwha-chapters 11+12

WALT-write informative, interesting sentences
a) Louise Miller-is mary basham mom. Her picture was in the locket that Edward gave mary
b) Edward Basham-He work in a bank a long time ago in England he lost his job because of a robberies’ of a lot of Jews and diamonds he was the only one who could get into the safety deposit.
c) Mary basher-is Edwards wife. She has lots of expensive jewellery, and keeps a diamond pendant in a bag under her bed.
d) Scott Murray-is the leader of WXK. He used to be a great leage player and could of got into the NRL but after his dad left for Australia he joined a gang.
e) Ian McMillan-is a scientist that idenifed the skeleton that matt found.
f) Eve- matt's female friend and is staying at the hotel.

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